Greetings, Mayors, and welcome to another Adventure League deck profile! In this series of articles, we take a look at the strategies of some of the Mayors who earned the maximum number of points in Adventure League Prologue: Goodbye, Namitori! This time, we'll be looking at Jet's favourite deck. Jet was the league's runner-up, placing second!
First up, let's take a look at the deck list:

Why did you pick this attribute?
Jet: I always play red in the games that I play because I like to be aggressive and red go BRRRR
What is your deck's strategy?
Jet: My strategy was to take care of the easier quests like The Clown and Anvil to strengthen my adventurers in the tavern and bolster up my numbers so I can get to the requirements of the harder quests faster than my opponents.

What are your deck's key cards?
Jet: The cards that I always would love to see are my Suzaku Skirmishers, so when I get my tokens out with Tomoe, I can get my stats up quicker. Also if I open up with a Ruffianhund then I always keep it so I can pair it up with Scorchtail Dervish to not only buff my Scorchtail by retiring the Ruffianhund but I also get some control with Ruffianhund retiring a 3 cost card as well.

What are your deck's difficult match-ups? Are there are any cards your deck has trouble dealing with?
Jet: Easily Subterfuge. That attribute threatens the questing phase with Hidden Gale being able to make a massive stat swing when it ambushes. With how quick Power can get into the double digits for Renown, Subterfuge focusing you can lock you down pretty hard with Penalty Gain, so I need see Rough Up otherwise I can't get a net gain with renown.

Thank you to Jet for this peek into your strategy for the Adventure League! Power is an attribute that excels in striking hard and striking fast, capable of putting up big numbers in the quest phase early in the game. However, as Jet pointed out, this ability to gain an early Renown lead can sometimes single you out as the common opponent for other Mayors to focus on!
Join us next time for another deck profile featuring a Top 5 finisher from the Adventure League! In the meantime, if you'd like to discuss the game or share your own deck ideas, come join us over on Discord!